Kosher Nearby

Sorted by distance from the airport.
Note: The first four locations are all on the same block.

Elizabeth One Stop Kosher Supermarket

155 Elmora Ave, Elizabeth, NJ 07202 

(908) 354 0448

4 Miles From the Airport

Avenue Grill & Sushi

157 Elmora Ave, Elizabeth, NJ 07202 

(908) 354 0448

4 Miles From the Airport

Jerusalem Restaurant (Pizza Shop)

150 Elmora Ave, Elizabeth, NJ 07202 

(908) 293 7394

4 Miles From the Airport

 New Kosher Special (Chinese Restaurant)

163 Elmora Ave, Elizabeth, NJ 07202 

(908) 353 1818

4 Miles From the Airport

The Corner Slice

223 W St Georges Ave, Linden, NJ 07036 

(908) 350 4422

8 Miles From the Airport

The Corner Slice

221 W St Georges Ave, Linden, NJ 07036 

(908) 350 4422

8 Miles From the Airport

Linden Food Basket Grocery

911 W St Georges Ave, Linden, NJ 07036

(908) 671 1887

8.5 Miles From the Airport

Please note: Bris Avrohom does not take responsibility for the Kosher status of these stores. Please check all products for a reliable Kosher symbol before purchasing.